Monday, March 22, 2010

Do you own your "BOS"?

Hey Sonny Essence Beauties,

Something touched my heart and mind a few moments ago. While searching for some poems to revise and submit for my final Poetic due in my English class, I came across a poem I had written for a class invention (a homework assignment where we were assigned a topic to write on). Basically I had to imagine I was a muse and I had to call on myself, according to a muse is 1. one of nine Greek goddesses of the arts 2. the inspiration motivating a poet, artist, etc. So I took this writing assignment as a challenge and I called on my muse. I found her opposite of what I see myself to be, somewhat as a mirror image. She is feisty, she is assertive, she's strong, beautiful, outspoken, and so much more but most of all she was ME. Something and someone that no one else gave to me or taught me but rather revealed to me by me. She was my BOS: a beautiful and strong Sonny Essence Beauty that possessed the undefinable, sophisticated and multifaceted mindset of the Brilliance of Success (BOS).
I hope you enjoy the poem and take something useful away from it that you can apply to your life in some form. I hope it makes you think and rejoice as it made me while writing it.

From my heart to yours:

The Presence of You
I feel you
you follow me wherever I go
Like a shadow cast upon a wall
you catch me before I fall
You’re the strength that perseveres over my weaknesses
You take control when doubt tries to take me asunder
My fear is overcome by your resilience
You break through all barriers to make me a stronger woman
You’re what I strive to be
More than just typical me
My sexiness emanates because of you
With you on my side I have no competition
all pain, jealousy and insecurities cease to exists
When I stare in the mirror, it’s you I want to see:
Confidence and Purity.

 So the question for you is: Do you own your "BOS"?

"I own my BOS"-BosBrill (Bos retreat 2008)

Live & Love,

~Delesa J

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