Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Overcome your FEAR Today!

Greetings to all of my Sonny Essence readers, known and unknown.
Overcoming your FEAR can be such a troublesome task. Many people find their fears to be the cause of why they have regrets in their life and the reason for their unhappiness but have you ever taken a moment to truly understand the word for what it is? FEAR= False Evidence Appearing Real.
I first heard the acronym for Fear in past FICS and business training. It just makes so much sense and is an important term that has stuck with me till this day. 
According to fear is a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid. Now notice the definition states that it is "a distressing emotion aroused by...".
Fear is a feeling that we conjure up within ourselves. We create our own fears and allow them to dictate our life thus making that emotion appear real. 
If you don't believe in the fear it cannot exist. Therefore, Don't let fear prevent you from living the life God has planned for you. 
We hinder our blessings when we give into our fears. Don't block God's blessings. 
Here's my testimony. 
On Tuesday night I arrived home from the gym. I decided to check my email before taking a shower and to my surprise I received an email from Demand Studios, the subject line read: You have been approved as a Demand Studios Writer.
Jumping up and down, my mind began racing at all of the possible opportunities that this position will open up for me. Immediately I thanked God then I updated all of my social media statuses with the news. 
Quick back story: A couple of months ago I past up applying to the same company for fear that I wasn't a strong enough writer or may not be what they were looking for. Don't judge me, I had the newcomer jitters. Look at what I would've missed out on if I didn't overcome my fear.
I figured the worst that can happen is I wouldn't be accepted and it would be on to the next company. By having faith and believing in myself and my work, I knew my worth and went for it. The newcomer jitters are gone and I'm on fire, I can't wait to get more No's so I can uncover my Yes'!
Bottom line: Don't let False Evidence Appearing Real prevent you from your purpose in life. What fear do you need to overcome?

P.S. I apologize for the delayed postings. I've experienced some great blessings for Delesa J Writing Services and I have been focused on how to prioritize my schedule and time constructively.

"Find what you love and sacrifice for it"-Delesa J (oldie but a goodie)

"...Working jobs you don't like to buy shit you don't need"-Fight Club (movie)

~Delesa J~

1 comment:

  1. Congrats, Jasmine! This is GREAT news! I know you're excited, gained more confidence, ready to go forth & conquer! We are PROUD of you.

    Auntie & Uncle :)
