Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How to Defeat Your Fear of Public Speaking

Most of us secretly (and publicly) have a fear of public speaking. Rest assured you are not alone, according to various research studies and surveys, public speaking is the number one fear or phobia. 
So how do you defeat your fear (false evidence appearing real) of public speaking? I asked this question to my followers and friends on Twitter and Facebook. 
So here is the Social Media edition of answers by people who use to have the same fear and how they overcame it. Enjoy!

Danielle F. - Sadly you never really do...u just have to speak publically more often.
Brandy F. - You just have to find a focus point in the audience and just do it....

@CallmeKellsz_b - you speak....publicly and take a class. Also, if u have a speech to give, have someone record you rehearsing it, and then watch it and see what you're doing wrong. By the time ur ready to give ur speech, it'll flow, and ull be comfortable.

@DCreightonII - Start public speaking.

@eye_understand - #Toastmasters

@HairbyNedjetti - I took an acting class in '98 which gave me the confidence to overcome my shyness...it truly worked & highly recommended 

So my advice to you all (and my self) is like Nike's motto: Just Do It!

"Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot."
--D. H. Lawrence

~Delesa J 

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